Factory integrations
Why is the dealer building inventory descriptions?
One of the biggest challenges for retail outlets is getting useable inventory information from their suppliers. Hand-typing information from invoices or price-books has been a way of life for many years! Even when details on invoices are relatively complete, there are still elements missing that are otherwise available in the vendor’s back-office software.
No more!
Deal Sector offers manufacturers easy ways to provide inventory information direct to the dealership!
Load Trail and Novae (Sure-trac, H&H, CAM Superline, Trailerman, Integrity, Midsota, Mirage, LOOK) and more! Have done a great job in providing inventory information as soon as the units leaves the factory!
A Sale at the Dealership = A Sale at the Manufacturer!
It’s in the best interest of the manufacturer to provide as much detail as they have available and make it as easy as possible to help a consumer to buy their product.
Every attribute available from the factory is made available within Deal Sector, giving your customers the most accurate and thorough description of the product.
When combined with a DMS feed, Deal Sector automatically moves your "Coming Soon" inventory into available status. Using your inventory history to cloning photography and categorization, there's virtually nothing to do when that unit arrives on your yard.
When the product arrives on your yard, use the Deal Sector mobile app to simply scan the inventory's Stock or VIN number, take a few pictures, and quickly freshen the inventory on your website, Facebook Marketplace, and Craigslist. It doesn’t get any better than this!

Dealer Websites
Industry-Specific, SEO-Tailored Trailer Dealer Websites

Mobile App
No Faster Way to Get New Inventory in Front of the World!

Marketplace Integration
Facebook Marketplace, Google, Craigslist, and Custom Feeds!

Inventory Management
Easily Manage Website and Marketing Inventory

Deal Sector Messenger
Integrate Texting, Facebook Messenger, and Google Reviews