Deal Sector Mobile App

Version 3.2
Simple uploading

What a drag...

The average dealership spends between 8 and 12 minutes per unit when adding a trailer or container onto their website. It’s such a time consuming process that it is often put off and “done when you have the time to do it,” despite being one of the most important tasks for online retail. Getting inventory onto your website fast means it sells fast.

There's a better way

Enter the Deal Sector mobile app. Just take a picture of the VIN number on a trailer, or the CSC number on a container, and then take a few photos. Inventory is uploaded to your website and into Deal Sector’s Ops Center dealership management system (DMS). And to boost automation in an already fast workflow, we integrate Ops Center with QuickBooks ™ to make tedious things easier. And we don’t stop there! We will also automate the listing of inventory on Facebook Marketplace and Craigslist while we’re at it, just to better connect you with your customers. 

Who says you can't enjoy work?

The Deal Sector mobile app turns a boring process into something fun and easy that boosts sales by getting your inventory online for the world to see in less than two minutes per unit. Wanna see for yourself? Contact us for a demo!

Dealer Websites

Industry-Specific, SEO-Tailored Trailer Dealer Websites

Mobile App

No Faster Way to Get New Inventory in Front of the World!

Marketplace Integration

Facebook Marketplace, Google, Craigslist, and Custom Feeds!

Inventory Management

Easily Manage Website and Marketing Inventory

Deal Sector Messenger

Integrate Texting, Facebook Messenger, and Google Reviews